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6:30 AM

Departure from GraVoc Headquarters
(For those who purchased Transportation ticket)

8:30 AM

Check-In & Registration Begins at Base Lodge

9:00 AM

Lifts Open

9:30 AM

Arrival at Pico Mountain
(For those who purchased Transportation ticket)

11:00 AM

Check-In & Registration Closes

11:45 AM - 1:15 PM

Networking Luncheon at Last Run Lounge

3:00 PM

Apres Ski Party at Last Run Lounge

4:00 PM

Last Lift Chair

5:00 PM

Event Concludes
Bus departs back to GraVoc
(For those who purchased Transportation ticket)

This event is hosted and produced by GraVoc, a boutique technology consulting firm based in Peabody, MA

For inquiries on lodging accommodations at Pico Mountain, please visit Pico Mountain's website and view their available lodging packages. 

This event is hosted and produced by GraVoc, a boutique technology consulting firm based in Peabody, MA


For inquiries on lodging accommodations at Pico Mountain, please visit Pico Mountain's website and view their available lodging packages.